Spanish Language and Culture – Julio Cabral

For 29 years, Julio worked with Standard, honor, and AP high school students at Hueneme High School, Camarillo, CA. Julio has taught high school and AP Language courses and created and organized an AVID class in Spanish, directed to ELD students.  Julio has served as the Department Chair of the ELD Department, developed a rigorous and high-level curriculum for all Spanish Native Speaker classes, developed a Dual Immersion Program and was a member of the Leadership Team. At a District level Julio presented professional development sessions for teachers on the vertical team and presented sessions on reading and analytical strategies at in-service conferences to cross curriculum colleagues.

Julio has a wide range of experiences with the College Board and AP Spanish Language curriculum. Julio’s sequence of experiences: attended AP Summer Institutes, served as a Reader for the AP Spanish Language Test, AP Consultant, where he presented numerous one-day and four-day workshops for AP Spanish Language throughout the Southwestern and Western regions of the U.S, and served on the AP Spanish Language and Culture Test Development Committee. Julio has a clear understanding of the requirements teachers and students must learn and master before entering an AP language course.

Julio has a passion for learning and advising, is a confident communicator, and delivers clear and enthusiastic presentations to diverse audiences. Julio looks forward to growing and sharing experiences with fellow educators in the pursuit of impacting today’s youth. Julio says, “It will be a pleasure and privilege to work with teachers at the 2024 Oregon-Washington AP Summer Institute”.