Physics 1 – Stephen Fuerderer

Stephen Fuerderer has been teaching senior physics for over 34 years in the public education system and has recently moved into the role of Principal at an independent international high school in Vancouver, Canada. Over the course of his career Stephen has taught college-level introductory physics courses as part of the International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Programs. Stephen serves as an AP Physics Workshop Consultant and has provided training and support for teachers around the world including USA, Canada, China, and  the Middle East.  Stephen is an experienced AP Physics Exam Reader and has written test items for the Educational Testing Services ETS for inclusion on AP Exams and SAT exams.  Stephen brings a wealth of information and experiences to our AP Summer Institute and participants are sure to come away with ideas and resources that will increase learning in their classrooms.

To Email Presenter:  

APSI Course Description This course is designed for both new and experienced teachers who will be teaching the AP Physics 1 course. During this week, participants will be provided with information and experiences on how to teach both the classroom and laboratory components of the course. We will explore the many components of the AP Physics program including the curriculum framework, labs, and exam. A highlight of this institute will be using and learning how to create instructional materials to build and strengthen the students’ conceptual understanding of physics principles as suggested by the latest physics education research. Emphasis will be placed on the inquiry lab approach and methods of teaching a college level class. Participants will experience and receive access to a number of resources to help prepare and develop their own AP Physics course. Prior to the institute, participants should print or download their school calendar for next year and complete the AP Course Audit.  Participants should bring a laptop and calculator.

Why attend an in-person APSI? Meaningful discussions and collaborations! Opportunities to do hands-on activities and laboratory experiments.  AP Physics teachers gather around a “water fountain” laboratory activity and begin to record measurements.

For the container filled with water having a hole in the side, as illustrated in the figure below, use Bernoullis’ Principle to derive a formula for the distance X where the stream of water leaving the hole will strike the floor, as a a function of h and H.

a. Determine the velocity at the hole (exit), Vx, as a function of h and H.

b. Assume the exit velocity is horizontal, use projectile motion to determine the distance X where the free jet strikes the floor.

c. If H = 3.00 m, sketch three trajectories for h = 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75. Identify the case in which X is maximum.

Note this activity has applications.

Doing a hands-on rotational motion experiment helps AP Physics teachers prepare to teach this laboratory experiment to their students. This experiment will help students gain a better understanding of uniform circular motion and be better prepared to answer a circular motion question on the AP Physics 1 Test.

AP Physics 1 Test Free-Response Question