Agenda – Environmental Science

The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide you with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.

What You Will Learn

  • Develop an understanding of the Curriculum and Exam Description (CED) and how to integrate science practices and concepts
  • Review best practices and time management tips
  • Collaborate with fellow teachers
  • Prepare unit plans that incorporate lab activities
  • Develop a syllabus that will align your class to the CED and draft a course calendar that will help you implement your syllabus

How You Will Benefit

  • Gain insight into how to properly utilize AP Free Response Questions and Rubrics
  • Acquire new materials to teach every major aspect of the course
  • Use a variety of lab content/activities for every major area of the course
  • Gain contacts that can also provide you support to teach the course in the most effective way

APES APSI Outline 2025- In Person


Activity Time needed Materials Start Time- End Times
Day 1
Welcome, agenda, virtual supplies and in person supplies, introductions & equity and access

PowerPoint for the week

AP Potential Information

5 steps info

Friedland book order

45 minutes Course Description 8-8:45 am

(Slides 1-3)

Walk through resources and understanding the CED & treasure map


1 hour CED 8:45-9:45 am

(Slides 4-20)

   Break- 15 minutes
FRQ understanding/skills 30 minutes Pg 234 CED (page 241) 10-10:30 am

(Slides 21-25)

Identify the skills and concepts in different m/c examples MC (page 236) examples where they identify the concept and skill
Units 1, 2 & 3
Wild About Wetlands (Many topics in Unit 1)

Intro video

Card activity instructions

HHMI Nutrient Cycling in the Serengeti (student copy) (Topic 1.5)


How Savanna Plants get Nutrients

Teacher instructions

Nitrogen cycle diagram

Video Solving Crimes with the Necrobiome

Carbon budget (Topic 1.4)

1 hour

-Look in the CED and discuss what you need to know to teach

-How can you support that learning for kids through a lab?

-What did I used to teach that I no longer will use? What do I add?

-How does this cover ecological concepts?

-How do you ensure this lab is more than a worksheet?


(Slide 26)

Island Biogeography (Topic 2.3) 30 minutes Random stuff to throw 11:30-12 PM

(Slide 27)

LUNCH- 1 hour 
Set up beans for LD 50 (Topic 8.12) and Soil Salinization (Topic 5.5)  labs

Serial Dilution directions

1 hour 15 mins Explain and on your own 1:00-2:15

(Slide 28)

Mark and Recapture Lab (2.1 and PreTopic for Unit 3)

W/ Pillbugs


Kristen Shapiro’s Bubble Lab and Tally Sheet  (Topic 3.3)

All from Kristi Schertz!

here is her TPT link to purchase the pictures if you prefer:–7065694

Kristi’s website with all info

Cemetery Lab student handout (Topic 3.3, 3.8. 3.9, 8.15)

Group worksheet

Class data spreadsheet

Article: 10 health advantages that changed the world

Frayer graphic 

1 hour 2:15-3:15

(Slide 29-30)

     Break 15 mins    
Planning time/Office Hours



Documents by Unit

All my files (use w/ caution)

Kristi Schertz stuff

Kristen Shapiro stuff

Jordan Smedes stuff

1 hour 15 mins Calendar and PP slides 37-40 3:45-

(Slides 31-38)

Day 2
Check on Soil Salinization Lab,  Exam info, & Audit 1 hour Slides 40-73 8:00-9:00

(Slides 39-80)

Units 4, 5, 6 & 7
Soil Labs (Topics 4.2 and 4.3)

Soil Nutrient Lab

Soil Permeability Lab

Soil Texture Labs

1 hour 45 mins 9:00-10:45

(Slide 81)

Break-15 mins 
(Topics 5.9, 5.1 and 5.8)

Mining lab

Tragedy of Commons

Yard Video

45 mins Look at/complete these activities and decide if:

  • Are these AP level?
  • Should these be done in an APES class?

(Slide 82)

Lunch- 1 hour
Sign up for Facebook Group 15 mins 12:45- 1:00

(slide 83)

Urban runoff (Topic 5.10 & 5.13)

Set up Nuclear Waste (Topic 6.6) lab

& AP Classroom Videos

1 hour

Watch 3 videos on topics you are unsure about

1:00-2:00 pm

(Slide 84-85)

Particulate Inquiry Lab (Topic 7.4) 30 mins 2:00-2:30

(Slide 84-85)

Break- 15 mins              
Planning time/Office Hours Calendar

Documents by Unit

All my files (use w/ caution)

Kristi Schertz stuff

Kristen Shapiro stuff

Jordan Smedes stuff

1 hour 45 mins 2:45-

(Slide 86)

Day 3
Check on Soil Salinization Lab, Nuclear Waste, explain Soil Texture Lab 30 mins 8:00-8:30

(Slides 87-89)

Unit 6/7/8
Ozone strips lab (Topic 7.2) 1 hour 8:30-9:30

(slide 90)

  Break- 15 mins
Experimental Design


FRQ #1 (about article)

FRQ #2 (practice)

2024 set 1

2024 set 2:  You may distribute the student sample files electronically but you must remind participants that they cannot be redistributed, as noted on the cover of the documents.

2 hours Irving ISD activity 9:45-11:45

(Slides 91-110)

Lunch- 1 hour
Biodegradable Materials lab

BOD/DO Picture

(Topics 8.2 and 8.5)

1 hour 12:45-1:45

(Slides 111)

  Break- 15 mins
Brine shrimp LD 50 lab

LD 50 (Topic 8.12)

15 mins 2:00-2:15
Chalk Drawings 

Math Practice (if time otherwise tomorrow)

45 mins 2:15-3:00

(slide 112)

Planning time/Office Hours


Documents by Unit

All my files (use w/ caution)

1 hour 30 mins 3:00-

(Slide 113)

Day 4
Lab Analysis: Soil Salinization lab, ozone strip, Nuclear Waste, LD 50 lab and particulate lab

5 steps info

1 hour 20 mins 8:00- 9:20

(Slides 114-115)

How To Write an FRQ

Sarah Vatland’s posters

Task Verbs

FRQ’s From the FaceBook Group

FRQ’s through 2014 by topic

55 mins 9:20-10:15

(Slides 116-181)

  Break- 15 mins
Unit 9
Global warming vs Ozone depletion lecture (Topics 9.1 – 9.5)


M/C Question PowerPoint

FRQ 2010 #4 (Global Warming)

FRQ 2010 Scoring Guidelines

FRQ 2013 # 3 (Ozone)

FRQ 2013 Scoring Guidelines

Courtney’s Drawings

Video Recording of lecture

1.5 hours After lecture discuss 2 FRQ’s 10:30-12:00

(Slide 182)

  Lunch- 1 hour                                     
Finish Global Warming/Ozone discussion

Instructional Planning Reports/AP Classroom

Diagnostic for full length practice exam 1

Diagnostic for full length practice exam 2

Diagnostic for full length practice exam 3

30 min 1:00-1:30

(Slides 183-205)

Math scavenger hunt

Math Review Sheet

Math Answer Sheet 

Math Practice

1.25 hours 1:30- 2:45

(Slide 206)

What about review?? (slide 207)
            Break- 15 mins
Planning time/Office Hours


Documents by Unit

All my files (use w/ caution)

1 hour 15 mins 2:45-
Closure and evals 15 mins