Art and Design – Barbara Sunday

Barbara Sunday began her teaching career in Jamaica, West Indies, and has taught AP Studio Art at Sentinel Secondary School in West Vancouver, Canada, for many years. Barb is also an experienced elementary teacher, has served as a District Art Coordinator, and has lectured in Art Education at both The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University.

Barb has served as President of BCATA and has presented a range of workshops for BCATA, CSEA, and NAEA. Barb has been an AP Art and Design Reader for many years and has served as a Table Leader at the Reading for 4 years. She has given numerous AP and Pre-AP workshops across Canada, in the Western US Region, and internationally for MAIS, NESA, EARCOS, AISA, ASIJ, and Shenzhen.

Barb has presented summer institutes throughout the western region and in Detroit, Hawaii, Chicago, Toronto, and Emirates National Schools. Barb has been the recipient of the NAEA Pacific Region Art Educator of the Year Award, the Canadian Art Educator of the Year, and the BCATA Art Teacher of The Year Award. Barb has given several short and full-day sessions for the Annual Advanced Placement Conference and has served 3 years on their Steering Committee.

Course Description: APSI – Art and Design   Barbara Sunday

This session includes a combination of seminar discussions and hands-on activities planned to meet the needs of both experienced and inexperienced AP Art and Design teachers. Covering the required workshop topics, this institute will include all three portfolio types: 2D Art and Design, 3D Art and Design, and the Drawing Portfolio. The most current developments in the Art and Design program will be emphasized. The 4-day outline below is based on the rubrics for scoring and will model the sequence used at the Reading.

Emphasis will be placed on developing practical classroom delivery strategies for both the Sustained Investigation (SI) Section and the Selected Works Section (SW). During our time together we will review a range of student samples for each portfolio type, experience scoring student work, as well as include several studio sessions. The intent of the studio sessions is to model the formation of an inquiry-based investigation while exchanging best practice and classroom management strategies.

Process documentation strategies, together with approaches for the different kinds of required writing will be key to our work. For all activities, participants will have the option of tailoring their choices to best fulfill their needs and interests. There will be many opportunities for peer dialogue, questions, and discussion of issues.

Besides the College Board Materials, a handout will be provided, and a range of student samples/scores will be available for copy. A letter with more specific details will follow closer to our APSI date.

Why attend an in-person APSI?  Meaningful discussions and collaborations!  Sharing teaching strategies to help your students produce excellent art work.

2D and 3D Art & Design Projects

Students create a body of work that demonstrates:

  • sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision
  • sustained investigation of materials, processes, and ideas
  • synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas
  • 2-D art and design skills

Students have to document in writing:

  • the inquiry that guided your sustained investigation
  • ways your sustained investigation developed through practice, experimentation, and revision