This AP Art and Design APSI will provide you with some of the tools and techniques for helping students acquire the skills needed to excel in AP Art and Design. You’ll review materials, course outlines, content-related handouts, student samples, and scoring guidelines that focus on pedagogical techniques and content-specific strategies that you can use in the classroom. You’ll also learn about completing the digital activation process at the start of the school year that will help ensure that your students can register for AP portfolio submission by the new fall deadlines.
After attending this APSI, you’ll be able to align your instruction with the goals of the AP Art and Design course(s); identify the skills and knowledge that the portfolio will assess, and identify the tasks and materials with which students might need more preparation; design a course that meets the curricular requirements; and make equitable access a guiding principle in designing instruction.
Day 1 Part 1: Understanding the Course
7:30-8:15 Activity A Welcome, Introductions.
8:30-9:30 Learning Goals and Approaches, Activity B Using the Course Framework
9:30-10 :00 Activity C What is a Sustained Investigation?
10:00 – 10:10 Break
10:10-12:00 Continue with Activity C
12:00-12:40 Lunch
12:40-1:40 What are Selected Works? Activity D
1:40- 4:00 Inquiry and Making (Minutes)
4:00-4:30 Communicating and Reflecting (45 Minutes)
Day 2 Understanding, Planning and Teaching the Course
8:00-8:30 Part 1: Understanding the Course
Part 2: Planning Your Course
Part 3: Teaching the Course
Activity E generating Possibilities for Investigation
Activity F Formulating Questions to Further Sustained Investigation
Activity G What are AP 2-D and Design, AP 3-D Art and Design, and AP Drawing?
Inquiry and Making
12:10-12:40 Lunch
12:40-3:00 Activity H Setting Learning Milestones
3::00-4:00 Communication and Reflection
Day 3 Part 3 Teaching the Course
8:00-10:00 Activity I Practicing, Experimenting, and Revising with Material, Processes, and Ideas
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-11:00 Activity J Connecting Visual and Written Evidence
11:00-12:00 Inquiry and Making
12:00-12:40 Lunch
12:40-1:40 Activity K Skillful Synthesis of Materials, Processes, and Ideas
1:40-2:50 Activity L Striving for Equity and Access Using the Growth Mindset
2:50-4:30 Communication and Reflecting. Sharing resources
Day 4 Part 4 Assessing Student Progress and Understanding
8:00-9:00 Activity M Formative and Summative Assessment
9:00-10:00 Activity in Presenting Art and Design for interpretation
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-12:00 Inquiry and Making Set up Sustained Investigations.
12:00-12:40 Lunch
12:40-to 2:00 Activity O Scoring Portfolios
2:00-3:00 Activity P AP Course Audit and AP Resources.
The course Audit, due until Fall of 2021
4:00- 4:30 Communication and Reflection